In the preceding code, you see that the owner of the dialog is set to the current window along with the title. 在上面的代码中,您可以看到该对话框的所有者设置为具有该标题的当前窗口。
A mortgage of old system land involves the mortgagor ( the owner of the land) transferring title in the land to the mortgagee ( the lender). 旧制度下的土地抵押,抵押人(土地所有人)要向押权人(出借人)转让地契。
The real estate transfer mentioned in these Procedures refers to the act of a real estate right owner of transferring the title of his or her legally owned real estate to other person ( s). 本办法所称的房地产转让,是指房地产权利人将其依法拥有的房地产转移给他人的行为。
Title insurance provides protection to the owner and/ or lender against defects in public records occurring before the date of the policy after a thorough title search. 产权保险在审慎的产权调查之后可以为业主或贷款人提供保护以对抗保单签发之前就已经存在的产权瑕疵。